
"Friends of the Ospreys" is a non-membership, conservation group
founded by a small group of dedicated enthusiasts on the 30th June 2004, after encouragement from
Roy Dennis MBE. Roy was anxious that the Welsh colonisation attempt by
the new Osprey pair in the Glaslyn estuary might fail if this
population were not supported by additional pairs of breeding birds. He
reasoned that 1 pair of Ospreys did not constitute a viable population.
As Ospreys have evolved to inherit or steal ancestral
nests,Roy suggested that the Welsh Osprey population's attempt to
re-colonise Wales would be assisted by the provision of at least 7
additional artificial Osprey nests within 10km of the main breeding
nest (first discovered by Steve on the 20th May 2004).

In addition to providing breeding sites for the offspring of the 1st
Glaslyn pair, these nests would also serve to attract other Ospreys to
the area, drawing them down from their high-altitude migration flights,
adding both to the number, and genetic variability of the Welsh
This has indeed proved to be the case. Our 1
st nest was built in March
2005 and was occupied by a male bird only 2 weeks later. So far14 nests
have been constructed and 4 have been occupied. Osprey Management as
practised by Friends of the Ospreys, has been developed by Roy Dennis
and other American and European Osprey workers over 6 decades. The
techniques are tried and tested. They have been used to restore
numerous Osprey populations in Europe and America.
Nests are maintained annually, and new nests built as time and
resources allow. 95 people have assisted directly in the nest-building,
with many others helping in a multitude of other ways.
Anybody interested in getting involved with this project, either as a volunteer
nest-builder, nest monitor, or as a host landowner for a new nest
should contact FOO via the contact details below.